Many of our families have asked what types of school supplies they may purchase for their cihld's classroom. Below is a suggested list. These items are not required and if you are unable to purchase any of the items, we will certainly provide them. Thank you for your continuing support of our school!
Kindergarten: Personal Items: BackPack ~ a single large pocket that is easy to open Headphones ~ Please refrain from buying earbuds. Primary Lined Composition Book
Class Items: 3 pk. Of Kleenex Tissues 3 pk of Clorox/Lysol Wipes 1 ~ 16 count regular size box of Crayola Crayons Fine Point Black Dry Erase Markers White Card Stock Paper
1st Grade: 1 - large (must fit agenda, library book, and binder) backpack (no wheels) 2 - Wide-ruled composition books (black & white) 1 - hardback binder (1 1/2 inch) 2 - plastic pocket folders without prongs 4 - boxes of 24-count crayons 1 - box of 12 wooden skinny yellow pencils (Ticonderoga preferred) 1 - box of 12 count washable markers 1 package of EXPO dry erase markers 1 - box of gallon-size Ziploc bags (boys) 1 - box of sandwich-size Ziploc bags (girls) 1 - pair of Fiskar scissors (child friendly with blunt tip) 5 - glue sticks 2 - sets of headphones 1 - supply box/pouch 3 boxes of Kleenex tissues 2 - rolls of paper towels
2nd Grade: Personal Items: Backpack Multi-Colored Copy Paper One plastic pocket folder (No Prongs) Headphones Clorox Wipes Pencil Box or Pouch Box of Crayons Box of #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga) Old T-Shirt for Art Projects Kleenex
Class Items: Extra Kleenex Cleaning Wipes (Baby Wipes/Clorox Wipes) Extra Pencils Erasers (Pencil Toppers) Card Stock Paper Paper Towels
3rd Grade: Personal Items: Backpack Headphhones Water Bottle Pencil Pouch (soft-side, zippered) Box of Crayons (2 packs) Expo Markers Box of #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga work best) 1-inch 3 Ring Binder Box of Tissues Container of Disinfecting Wipes Plastic Folder (4, different colors preferred) 1 Subject Notebook (2, different colors preferred) Composition Books (2) Glue Sticks (pack of 2 - 4) Bottle of Hand Sanitizer Ziploc (style) Bags Boys ~ quart size Girls ~ gallon size
Class Items: (appreciated if these items are donated at any time) Markers or Colored Pencils Expo Markers White Copy Paper Pencils (extra) Card Stock Paper (white and colored) Paper Towels Tissues
Class Items: Last Name A - G Gallon Ziploc Bags (1) & Dry Erase Markers (2 Packs) Last Name H - P Sandwich Ziploc Bags (1) & Lysol Wipes (2 Packs) Last Name P - Z Quart Ziploc Bags (1) & Hand Sanitizer (2 Bottles) Post-It Notes (2 Packs) Index Cards (1 Pack) Loose-Leaf Paper (2 Packs) Tissues (2 Boxes)
5th Grade: 4 Folders, different colored, 2 pocket AND pronged Pencils Pink Pearl Erasers Highlighters Glue Stick Dry Erase Markers Tissues Hand Sanitizer Colored Copy Paper Lined Notebook Paper Card Stock Colored Pencils Pencil Sharpener Headphones Water Bottle